About Our School
Our very own Hudlow Hawks are the proud winner of the Dr. Trujillo District Attendance Challenge. We received this award on November 12, 2019 at the Governing Board meeting. Our student attendance increased over three percent, which is more than three times as much as other schools. Thank you for all your support and making sure that your children are here every day and on time. We could not have won this award without your support!

We are also proud to announce that Hudlow has officially received the letter grade of B for this year. Teachers, staff, students and parents put in a lot of hard work last year to demonstrate their academic growth. We hope to continue this progress for this school year. As you know, its takes a village to achieve this accomplishment. Every day counts, please continue to send your son/daughter to school every day in order to support our teachers and your children.
Students are encouraged to work collaboratively every day in class. When teachers ask questions, children know to turn to each other to find the answers. Teachers also work together, sharing student test scores, strengths and areas needing improvement. Hudlow teaches at the individual level to ensure that all students get what they need.
We are always asking ourselves, “What is the best I can be?” and “Is this quality work?”
Hudlow….on a learning expedition. We engage, connect, create, achieve, reflect and communicate our successes to our families and community.
We are a quality school.
- Core academics for Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies
- Be Kind Class Lessons with our counselor once a week with a supporting PBIS program
- Reading Intervention for all grade levels
- Math Intervention for all grade levels
- OMA Art for all grade levels
- Orchestra for 4th and 5th graders
- Band for 5th graders
- Read with Dogs for 1st/2nd grades (volunteer program temporarily on hold due to pandemic)
- Dedicated retired teacher volunteers who read with students 1-on-1 or small groups
- Half-day Tuition Free Preschool Program (application process)
- Extended Day Afterschool Program for Kinder through 5th grade (application process)
- Afterschool Track and Field (coming up this Spring)
- Free school breakfast and lunch for all students
- Dedicated 1:1 computer to student ratio for class lessons
- STEM Science Lab